Gregg’s Wings 7th Annual Golf Outing
August 28, 2018
A not-for-profit born out of the desire to give back to an organization that provides unparalleled assistance to children and families in need. The Gregg’s Wings foundation began in memory of a beloved family member in order to provide monetary support for the The Cancer Center for Kids at NYU Winthrop Hospital. Over the past seven years this organization has been able to donate over $450,000 to continue to help other children and their families who are battling cancer.
This day long event gathers friends and family to enjoy time together as well as make generous donations through raffles and auctions all benefitting The Cancer Center for Kids. As the seventh annual Gregg’s Wings Golf Outing wraps up, we are proud to continue not only being a sponsor for this extraordinary event, but also have several of our team members participate and attend.
To find out more about this organization, donate or join us in next year’s event click here.